Developing Your Voice

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

― Helen Keller


Sometimes, just when we first set out to be writers, we grope around in the dark, we stumble and many of us fall.  Some fall completely off the path.  I believe that happens to aspiring writers who do not know you must write a million words before you find your true voice.

Some of us are fortunate and are born storytellers.  Some of us work very hard to learn the craft.  And many of the writers that I know, the ones who are wise, recognize the pursuit of learning craft in terms of writing fiction is a life long endeavor.

The most difficult task associated with writing is the endurance it takes to stay with it.

Simple and yet profound, the writer who is most successful is the one who endures.

You should write everyday.  It doesn’t need to be an epistle, it just needs to be writing.  A journal entry, a simple thought, a set block of time dedicated to a specific project, or a few moments of reminiscing.   These practices become habits.  Habits lead to routines, and the routine of writing is where you find your voice.

But, in order to achieve this success, you must practice. Sit down to write with the belief that you can achieve the goals you set. Approach the building of this routine with hope and confidence, and reap the reward of success.

When you advance your cause by carrying forward with faith and confidence, you cannot fail to achieve the success you seek.Your true voice resides within the self you share in your writing. So write you must in order to find it.  Surprise yourself.

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0 Responses to Developing Your Voice

  1. I am groping right now.