Getting Started

  “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”― Theodore Roosevelt

Failures are really opportunities to learn new things, learn ways to do better and also to “do over”.  Too often we have outgrown the “do over”.

When childhood offered opportunities for us to maximize our use of imagination and spread our wings, to try new things and to explore without limits our ability to deal with the world, we never considered failure as an option. We constantly moved forward in our search for the next big thing.

The attitude of limitless possibilities deserts us at the moment we transition from the blissful joy of childhood and begin to recognize the responsibility of adulthood.

This is the moment where each of us grew up, became an adult, passed into the oblivion of the age of reason.

Sad times.  But not for all of us.

For those of us who write, who pursue the ever elusive dream of sharing our stories, our special worlds, or our imaginations with others, we have blessedly been able to reach the touchstone of childhood, where all things are possible.

So my promise to you is that when Her Story Calls, this year I will answer, and stories will be shared.

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0 Responses to Getting Started

  1. Ane –

    You are awesome! Love the site.
